Improving Problem Solving Skills Using Critical Thinking Learning Strategy in Integral Calculus


  • Nurul Shida Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer, Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan, Johor, MALAYSIA
  • Naksa Ahmad Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer, Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan, Johor, MALAYSIA
  • Julaila Sapari Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer, Polytechnic Ibrahim Sultan, Johor, MALAYSIA



Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Polytechnic, Integral Calculus


This research tries to develop a Critical thinking learning strategy called CThink and to test its effectiveness in enhancing students’ problem-solving ability when solving Integral Calculus topics as compared to the traditional teaching method (TRad). This study applied the Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate or ADDIE model to develop the CThink strategy. A mixed method approach encompassing quasi-experimental techniques and interviews was adopted. Two groups of students from a polytechnic participated in the research to create the experimental (CThink) (n=34) and control (TRad) (n=33) groups. Enhancement in students' problem-solving ability was analysed using the mean score in the pre-test and post-test. The major studies revealed that the mean scores of students who were introduced to CThink are significantly higher than those who were introduced to TRAD in the post-test t (55.16) =7.11, p<.05. Findings showed the benefits of using the CThink strategy to enhance problem-solving skills in Integral Calculus. In addition, parametric tests revealed that CThink students demonstrated significantly better mean scores in the post-test in comparison to the TRad group. This suggests that students' problem skills ability in the CThink group showed greater improvement.


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How to Cite

Nurul Shida, Ahmad, N., & Sapari, J. (2022). Improving Problem Solving Skills Using Critical Thinking Learning Strategy in Integral Calculus. Asian Pendidikan, 2(2), 52-64.