Development of Student Worksheets Assisted by Flipbook Based on the Scientific Approach for Systems of Linear Equations with Two Variables Material
Student Worksheet, Flipbook, Scientific, Systems of Linear Equations with Two VariablesAbstract
The teaching material plays a crucial role in learning, namely by sparking interest so that participants can grasp the material effectively. Students still face difficulties in understanding the teaching material presented in the textbook. This research aims to develop Worksheets Assisted by Flipbook Based on the Scientific Approach to the topic of Systems of Linear Equations with Two Variables for grade VIII C, at Muhammadiyah 9 Yogyakarta Junior High School. The research method used is development, employing the ADDIE model. The research subjects involve two content experts, two media experts, and 30 student respondents. Data collection in this study was carried out through interviews, qualitative observations, and tests, utilizing interview guidelines, rating scales, and tests as data collection methods. Data analysis techniques include qualitative, quantitative, and inferential statistical descriptive analysis. The research results show that the content expert's validity score is 94.23% (very valid), while the media expert gives a rating of 90.00% (very valid), and the student response results in a score of 73 (very interested). Data analysis indicates a two-tailed significance value of 0.000 < 0.05, indicating a significant difference in scores between the pretest and posttest groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in mathematics learning outcomes for students after participating in learning using Worksheets Assisted by Flipbook Based on the Scientific Approach to the topic of Systems of Linear Equations with Two Variables, and it has been proven to improve mathematics learning outcomes.
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