Analysis of the Implementation of Mindfulness in Senior High School Students' Learning
Analysis, Mindfulness, Learning, Senior High SchoolAbstract
The rapid development of technology, despite providing convenience in daily life, also brings negative impacts such as stress, anxiety, and depression. This is no exception in the educational environment, especially in schools, where many students experience these negative effects. One emerging approach as a solution to address stress and mental well-being issues is through mindfulness practices. Although numerous studies have discussed the effectiveness of mindfulness in reducing student stress, a more in-depth exploration of the role and implementation of mindfulness in the educational context remains limited. This research aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the implementation of mindfulness in the learning process at the high school level. In this study, a descriptive qualitative method was employed, involving observations of subjects and research objects based on the facts revealed in the field. Data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation. The research findings indicate that mindfulness practices have been adopted in some private high schools, while in public high schools, the implementation of mindfulness is only being introduced by schools with proactive teachers in the learning process.
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