The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning Snakes and Ladder Media in Social Studies for Class V Elementary School
Effectiveness, media snakes, ladders, problem-based learningAbstract
To address students' difficulties in understanding Social Studies (IPS) learning material, effective learning media is essential. This research and development project resulted in a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) based "snakes and ladders" media, created using Microsoft PowerPoint. The product is available as a CD or soft file, accompanied by a user manual, and can be played on computers, laptops, and Android phones. The PBL activities incorporated in the media include "Let's Observe," "Let's Read," "Let's Think," "Let's Create," and "Let's Review." The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the PBL-based snakes and ladders media in Social Studies for fifth-grade elementary school students. The research follows a research & development design, beginning with research and information gathering, planning, initial product development, product trials, product revisions, and culminating in the final product ready for use. Data collection involved interviews, expert validation questionnaires, and feedback from teachers and students. The data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The media was tested in three elementary schools in the Gabus District. Results indicated the effectiveness of the PBL-based snakes and ladders media in Social Studies, as demonstrated by the paired-samples t-test, which showed that the scores of the experimental groups were significantly higher than those of the control group. The conclusion is that the PBL-based snakes and ladders media is effective in improving student learning outcomes.
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