Development of Modules Based on Blended Learning Life Cycle Material for Grade IV Students
Module, blended learning, learning outcomesAbstract
The issue addressed in this research is the low learning outcomes of students in science lessons, specifically on the water cycle material, in grade IV elementary school using a blended learning model. This problem arises due to the lack of blended learning-based modules or teaching materials in science. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop such modules. This research follows a Research and Development (R&D) approach, encompassing stages such as information collection, planning, product draft development, initial field trials, revision of product test results, field tests, improvement of field test results, field tests, improvement of the final product, and dissemination and implementation of the final product. Data analysis techniques include product feasibility analysis, initial and final data analysis using t-tests and N-gain tests. The results indicate that the developed blended learning-based modules are suitable for use as teaching materials for science lessons on the animal life cycle in grade IV. Validation results show a media validation score of 78% (suitable for use) and a material validation score of 68% (decent). Student response results were 92%, and teacher responses were 93%, both indicating excellent criteria. In conclusion, the development of blended learning-based modules for teaching science in grade IV is deemed feasible and effective in improving students' science learning outcomes. The research recommends that teachers should be more creative in developing learning media to enhance student learning outcomes and processes.
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