The Difference and Effectiveness of the Discovery Learning and Direct Learning Model on the Science Learning Outcomes
Discovery learning, effectiveness, direct learning modelAbstract
This research addresses several challenges in elementary school education, including a predominant focus on achieving curriculum targets, an emphasis on memorizing concepts over understanding them, limited opportunities for students to independently discover knowledge, teacher-dominated instruction, and reliance on lecture methods without the use of teaching aids, resulting in passive learning environments. The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Discovery Learning model compared to the direct instruction model on the science learning outcomes of fifth-grade students. This quasi-experimental research employs a non-equivalent control group design. Data were collected through observations and tests, and analyzed using the independent sample t-test. The results indicate that the Discovery Learning model is significantly more effective, with a t-test result showing a t-value of 2.235, which exceeds the critical value of 1.98373. The study concludes that the Discovery Learning model is more effective for teaching the Food Digestion topic to fifth-grade students at SD Gugus Amarta, Kragan District, Rembang Regency, compared to conventional teaching methods.
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