The Influence of the PjBL and Savi Model On Students' Critical Thinking


  • Adik Lia Novita Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Suad Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Achmad Hilal Madjdi Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA



Project based-learning, Savi model, critical thinking, elementary school


This study aimed to analyze the effects of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) model and the SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) model on the critical thinking skills of fourth-grade elementary school students in Tlogowungu District, Pati Regency. The research employed a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design, specifically a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, targeting all fourth-grade students in the Ki Hajar Dewantara cluster, comprising 10 schools. The research sample included 32 students from SDN Guwo 03 and 32 students from SDN Tlogowungu 03 as the experimental classes, while 31 students from SDN Purwosari 02 served as the control class. Data collection was conducted through tests, and preliminary data analysis included normality, homogeneity, and mean similarity tests. The results indicated that the PBL model positively affected the critical thinking skills of fourth-grade students, as evidenced by a significant t-test result and a notable N-gain score. Similarly, the SAVI model also had a positive impact on students' critical thinking skills, supported by significant t-test results and effective N-gain scores. Although both models positively influenced critical thinking skills, there was no significant difference between their effects. Overall, the study concluded that both the Project-Based Learning and SAVI models effectively enhance the critical thinking skills of fourth-grade elementary school students in science subjects.


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How to Cite

Novita, A. L., Suad, & Madjdi, A. H. . (2024). The Influence of the PjBL and Savi Model On Students’ Critical Thinking. ASEANA Science and Education Journal, 4(1), 12-15.