Development of Local Wisdom-Based Character Education Module in Pati District for Upper-Class Elementary Schools


  • Siti Komariah Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Murtono Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Mohammad Kanzunuddin Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Central Java, INDONESIA



Module, character education, local wisdom


This research and development aims to instill the values of character education based on local wisdom to the fifth graders of Elementary School Gugus Ki Hajar Dewantara, Winong District, Pati Regency. Research and development of modules through the stages of analysis requirements, data collection, product design, design validation, product revision, and testing. Sources of data were obtained from initial observations, needs analysis, research and development on the module, design validation tests by experts, and field trials. Data collection uses triangulation/combination of observations, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. Character Education at Public Elementary School Gugus Ki Hajar Dewantara, Winong District, Pati Regency was researched and developed based on Pati local wisdom, such as legends, traditional crafts, special foods, and traditional arts in Pati Regency. The module increased the average percentage of the total character of the fifth graders of Elementary School Gugus Ki Hajar Dewantara from 49.64% to 86.43%.


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How to Cite

Komariah, S., Murtono, & Kanzunuddin, M. (2022). Development of Local Wisdom-Based Character Education Module in Pati District for Upper-Class Elementary Schools. ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 3(2), 16-22.

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