Effect of electrical conductivity and Nutrient Concentrations of Soilless Media Monitored with the Internet of Things (IoT) Sensor Nodes on Growth of Rock Melon
EC levels, Fruit quality, IoT Sensor nodes, Rockmelon, Soilless mediaAbstract
The challenges of managing traditional agricultural planting have prompted the implementation of the internet of things (IoT) to enable real-time detection and intelligent management of crop growth. The IoT-based monitoring solution was purposely designed to gauge the moisture content, and electrical conductivity (EC) in newly prepared soilless media, The newly soilless media were codded M1 which contains proportions of CD, burnt rice husk, and perlite at different percentages. The M2 contains CD, burnt rice husk, and perlite, M3 contains Coconut coir dust, vermiculite, and perlite, M4 had CD, perlite while M5 designated as control evaluation had 100% CD. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse. The nutrient concentrations and EC levels were determined with a customized portable internet of things (IoT) system. Relevant real-time agronomic data were collected. The highest EC level was observed in M2 and M3 with 1.4 dS/m and 1.3 dS/m, respectively. Soilless medium M2 and M3 noticeably showed the highest nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and were significantly different from M1, M4 and M5 while the highest potassium concentration was recorded in M2. The EC and nutrient concentration translated into the highest leaf area, plant height, highest number of leaves, and greater leaf weight. Total fresh fruit weight was significantly greater in soilless media M2 3.17 kg/plant and M3 3.34 kg/plant. The highest soluble solid content (SSC) was influenced by the M2. Consequently, the proportions of the materials in both soilless media could be considered for achieving robust growth and fruit quality of rockmelon.
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