Author Guidelines
Please use this paper as a template for your paper - Agrotech Template
Manuscripts are to be written in MS Word format and to be submitted online through OJS at
- Title. Concise and informative. Brief (short & sharp) phrase describing/reflecting the contents of the paper. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible.
- Author names and affiliations. Please explicitly mention each author's given and family names, and double-check that all names are spelled correctly. The affiliation addresses of the authors should be listed below their names. All affiliations should be indicated with a lowercase superscript letter after the author's name and before the appropriate address. Provide each affiliation's complete postal address, including the country name.
- Corresponding author. Indicate who will be in charge of correspondence at all phases of refereeing and publication, as well as afterward.
It is necessary to write a concise and factual abstract. The goal of the study, the main findings, and the main conclusions should all be stated briefly in the abstract. Abbreviations that aren't typical or unusual should be avoided, but if they're absolutely necessary, they should be specified right away in the abstract.
Provide a maximum of 6 keywords immediately after the abstract, avoiding general and plural terms as well as numerous notions (for example, 'and', 'of').
Subdivision - numbered sections
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
1.0 Introduction
The introduction serves as an orientation for readers, giving them the perspective, they need to understand the detailed information coming in later sections. Introduction section should contain review of up-to-date literature. This section should explain the novelty of the work. It should also discuss the objective and significance of the work.
2.0 Material and methods
Provide enough information for an independent researcher to duplicate the work. Methods that have previously been published should be summarised and referenced. Use quotation marks and cite the source if you're quoting directly from a previously published method. Any changes to existing methods should be specified as well.
3.0 Results
Results should be clear and concise.
4.0 Discussion
This should emphasize the significance of the work's findings rather than simply repeating them. It's common to mix the Results and Discussion sections. Extensive citations and discussion of published material should be avoided.
5.0 Conclusions
The conclusions section describing the important findings of the work. This section should reinforce the originality of the work presented. Should be consistent with the objectives.
If any.
APA style.
- Title.
- Author names and affiliations.
- Corresponding author.
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Literature Review
3.0 Conclusion
- Title
Times 18-point boldface. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such word).
- Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
Author names and affiliations are to be centered beneath the title and printed in Times 14-point non-boldface.
- Abstract
Abstract must be in fully-justified text, below the author information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in Times 10-point boldface, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized. The abstract is to be in 10-point, unbold, single-spaced type, and up to 250 words in length. Leave two blank lines after the abstract, and then begin the main text.
- Main text
Type your main text in Times 10-point, single-spaced. Do not use double-spacing. Be sure your text is fully justified. Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.
- First-order and Second-order headings
For first-order heading, they should be Times 12-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before, and one blank line after. For example, “1. Introduction”, Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon.
For second-order headings, they should be Times 11-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before, and one after.
- Format for figure, graph, table and etc
Figure and table captions should be Times 10-point boldface. Initially capitalize only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. Figure captions are to be centered below the figures. Table titles are to be centered above the tables.
- References
List and number all references in Times 10-point, single-spaces and alphabetical order, at the end of your paper.
- Additional
Insert continuous line numbers to the entire document.
- Plagiarism
Agrotech uses TURNITIN to check for plagiarism of all new manuscripts submitted and revised manuscripts. Agrotech only tolerates 20% of similarity index for all articles.