Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Growth Performance and Postharvest Quality of Pak Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis L.)
Vermicompost, biochar, microbial compost, organic fertilizer, pak choy, plant growthAbstract
Long-term use of inorganic fertilizers on leafy vegetables can increase soil acidity, harmful to the environment and leaving bad effects on human health. Organic fertilizer application is one of the safer alternatives with many beneficial effects by supplying nutrients for plant growth, environmental-friendly and producing an optimum quality of vegetables. Different organic amendment such as vermicompost, biochar and microbial compost has different effect on plant growth performance since good bacteria could improve structure of the soil and nutrient absorption. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizer on the growth performance and postharvest quality. The experimental design during planting was conducted in randomized completely block design with a factorial arrangement of treatmentswhile for postharvest quality study was conducted in completely randomized design. Organic fertilizer of vermicompost (110 g/plant), biochar (100 g/plant), microbial compost (80 g/plant) and chicken manure (37.5 g/plant) were treated on Pak choy two times on day 10 and day 24 after transplant. This research revealed the plant growth including plant height, leaf number and leaf length of Pak choy in all treatments were increased as growing stage increased. However, at the end of growing stage, microbial compost and vermicompost resulted in the highest of growth characteristics. In terms of postharvest quality, microbial compost showed the highest fresh weight and premium quality. This study proved that microbial compost at 80 g/plant exhibited optimum growth performance and the best postharvest quality of Pak choy.
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