The Effectiveness of Android-Based Science Learning Model to Increase Student Learning Outcomes
Development, experiment, androidAbstract
The objectives of this study are: 1) to analyze the need for an android-based science learning model to improve learning outcomes; 2) to design an android-based science learning model to improve learning outcomes; 3) to analyze the feasibility of an android-based science learning model to improve learning outcomes; 4) analyzing the effectiveness of the android-based science learning model to improve learning outcomes. This study uses Research and Development (R&D). The data analysis techniques are analysis of pre-test and post-test results, model feasibility analysis and effectiveness. The results of this study are described in a needs analysis, model design, feasibility test and effectiveness test. Needs analysis shows that there is a need for an appropriate learning model to improve students' science learning outcomes. Hence, the android-based science learning model is used. The model design uses ten steps of research with its products, namely guidebooks and android-based learning applications. Feasibility test with N-Gain test. The feasibility test with the Expert Judgment Test consists of media, material, and learning experts. Test the effectiveness with homogeneity, normality, and t-tests. The homogeneity test of the significance value of student learning outcomes is 0.151> the value of = 0.05 then H0 is accepted. The normality test has a significance value of more than 0.05, so it is normally distributed. T-test, using paired samples t-test, obtained a significance value (2 tailed) 0.000 <0.005.
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