Analysis Implementation of Character Education Through the Adiwiyata Program in SMP Negeri 1 Batangan Pati
Character education, environmental education, AdiwiyataAbstract
The aim of this study is to evaluate the planning, implementation, and impact of environmental character education through the Adiwiyata program at SMP Negeri 1 Batangan Pati. Character is defined as a way of thinking and behaving unique to each individual, allowing them to live and work together within the family, society, nation, and state. Character education is a system that instills character values in school residents, encompassing knowledge, awareness or will, and actions to implement these values. Environmental education (PLH) is an educational program designed to foster students' understanding, awareness, attitudes, and responsible behavior towards nature and sustainable development through school programs, specifically the Adiwiyata program. This study employs a narrative qualitative method, utilizing both human and non-human data sources. Human data sources, as key informants, are obtained through interviews, while non-human data sources are collected through observation and documentation. The data analysis follows an interactive process, continuously occurring at every research stage: data collection, data reduction, and data presentation (data display). The results indicate that (1) planning for environmental character education through the Adiwiyata program is incorporated into the school's vision, mission, goals, and curriculum. (2) The implementation of environmental character education is developed through integration with subjects, self-development, and school culture or habituation. Teachers integrate character education into subjects through syllabus and lesson plans, particularly relevant materials. Self-development is promoted through scout and UKS activities, while habituation is fostered through routine, spontaneous, programmed, and exemplary activities. (3) The impact of environmental character education through the Adiwiyata program is reflected in the increased environmental awareness among school residents. The school has received recognition as a caring and cultured environmental school, achieving national Adiwiyata school status.
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