Germinability and Seedling Growth Performance of Chilli (Capsicum annuum) Seeds in Response to Different Gibberellic Acid Concentrations Pre-Treatment
Endogenous Dormancy, Seed Quality, Imbibe Seed, Priming, YieldAbstract
Chilli seeds are always associated with physiological dormancy characteristics or endogenous dormancy that has affected their germination potential. Problems noticed on the low seed germination rate, vigour growth, further may lead to the poor seedling growth pattern of chilli crop production. Gibberellic Acid (GA3) which is usually used as a treatment solution is not a new advent of seed dormancy breaking methods for chilli. But, looking forwards to a better GA3 concentration is still needed for the discovery of this treatment potential effect on chilli seed germinability and seedling growth. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of different GA3 concentrations on seed emergence and seedling growth performance in chilli. In this experiment, chilli seeds were imbibed with 25 mg/L, 75 mg/L and 125 mg/L concentration of GA3 with three replications each; for 24 hours at room temperature (32±4°C) and the untreated seeds as a control. The data collection on final germination percentage was taken daily for 21 days after sowing. While the 15 germinated seeds were directly planted on the 5 polybags arranged in the net house of Junaidy Jonik Farm, Sabah, Malaysia. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. Data were subjected to analysis of variance with SAS version 9.4 and the significant means were separated by the least significant difference test at P<0.05. Significant differences were observed in the seed germinability measured; germination rate index (GRI), mean germination time (MGT) and final germination percentage (FGP), as well as on seedling vigour index (SVI) between treated and control seeds. Conversely, plant height, number of internodes, number of leaves and fresh weight of seedlings showed no significant differences among treatments. It was concluded that the use of GA3 was able to enhance chilli seeds germinability and could display a better SVI than the control. It is recommended to use GA3 treatment at 25 mg/L of concentration, as it may give an advantage to both economic and biological importance in producing higher germinability and seedling growth performance in chilli.
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