A Literature Review of Outdoor Education Program on Mental Health and Well-Being
Outdoor education program, Mental health, Well-being, Literature reviewAbstract
In the contemporary era, outdoor education programmes have become integral across various educational levels, with the Ministry of Education emphasizing physical health as a means to enhance learning outcomes. Mental health and well-being, however, also emerge as critical aspects linked to these programmes. This study aimed to explore the theories underpinning outdoor education programmes on mental health and well-being, also, drawing insights from selected past studies. Employing a qualitative approach, this literature review utilized Google Scholar as the primary data collection tool. The findings revealed that the most commonly applied theories in outdoor education programmes related to mental health and well-being include social constructivism learning theory, Kolb's experiential learning theory, the outward-bound educational process model, health promotion theory, and social cognitive theory. From the past studies, several main themes emerged. Outdoor education programmes significantly enhance social interactions, self-esteem, and emotional regulation, promoting physical health, which in turn supports mental well-being. Engagement with natural environments has therapeutic effects, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Given these findings, outdoor education programmes should be integrated more extensively into educational curricula to leverage their benefits for mental health and well-being. Schools and educational policymakers should consider training educators in the application of these theories to maximize programme effectiveness. Future research should focus on longitudinal studies to further validate the long-term benefits of outdoor education on mental health and explore the mechanisms through which these benefits are achieved. In conclusion, outdoor education programmes have a multifaceted impact on mental health and well-being, supported by various educational and psychological theories. These programmes offer valuable opportunities for experiential learning, social interaction, and connection with nature, contributing to enhanced mental and physical health.
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