Exploring the Efficacy of Differentiated Assessment in UCSP: Perceptions of Senior High School Teachers and Students on Enhancing Learning Outcomes
Differentiated assessment, Constructivist Grounded Theory, Voyant Tool, UCSP, Learning outcomesAbstract
Effective assessment is essential for supporting diverse learners in social studies, and assessing students' knowledge and skills is crucial for teachers. This qualitative study adopts a Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) approach to explore the perceived efficacy of differentiated assessment in UCSP among senior high school teachers and students. Twelve participants, including nine students and three teachers, engage in the study using purposive sampling. This study employs interviews, focus group discussions, and observations to gather rich and diverse data. The researcher utilizes the Constructivist Grounded Theory analysis, consisting of three phases, to create a theory grounded in the data and provide a comprehensive understanding of the research phenomenon. The study also utilizes the Voyant tool for web-based text analysis to aid in identifying patterns and themes. In conclusion, using the Constructivist Grounded Theory and Voyant Tool, it has been found that differentiated assessment promotes self-efficacy, creates an inclusive classroom culture, and allows for personalized instruction and feedback. Challenges include limited resources and the need for clear instructions and support. Collaboration and communication, modern teaching methods, and technology tools that prepare students for future academic endeavors are crucial for improving the effectiveness of differentiated assessment. Recommendations include providing professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their understanding and implementation of differentiated assessment. This can focus on strategies for creating an inclusive classroom culture, utilizing technology effectively, and designing assessments. Efforts should be made to address limited resources, and conducting further research and evaluation can identify best practices in implementing differentiated assessment, informing future educational practices.
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