Improvement of Learning Interest Through Character Education Reviewed from The Students' Residence


  • Ridluwan Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Hilal Majdi Achmad Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Murtono Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Yu Jung Chen National Taiwan University of Arts, New Taipei City 220, TAIWAN



Character Education, Learning motivation, Students, Residence


The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of character education in class V Public Elementary School number 9 Bintoro, Demak Regency in terms of different living quarters and describe the strategy of implementing character education on learning interest in grade V students of Public Elemntary School number 9 Bintoro, Demak Regency in terms of different living quarters. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, documentation and triangulation. Data analysis used data reduction, data presentation, temporary answers, and drawing conclusions. The research subjects were grade V students who lived in orphanages, Islamic boarding schools, and at home. The results of the study are the learning interest of students who live in orphanages is still lower than the students who live in Islamic boarding schools, but for students who live with families have a high interest in learning and some ask for low learning to increase students' interest in learning, namely implementing character education, providing good examples for students from teachers and school principals, learning innovation, establishing good communication with students and student guardians, and giving rewards for students who excel and sanctions for participants students who violate school rules.


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How to Cite

Ridluwan, Achmad, H. M., Murtono, & Chen, Y. J. (2021). Improvement of Learning Interest Through Character Education Reviewed from The Students’ Residence. Asian Pendidikan, 1(2), 37-40.