The Effect of Discovery Model on The Science Learning Outcomes of Class V Elementary School Students in The Wijayakusuma Cluster


  • Slamet Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Suad Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Achmad Hilal Madjdi Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Arsyad Fardani Muria Kudus University, Central Java 59327, INDONESIA
  • Yeu Tzeh Gung Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo 108-8477, JAPAN



Science, discovery model, learning outcomes


The study aimed to analyzing the effect of the discovery model on the science learning outcomes of grade V students of heat transfer material in the Wijayakusuma Cluster, Karangtengah subdistrict. Quantitatif research an used in the research. The population research are all of  student V class in the Karangengah subdistrict. SDN Kedunguter and SDN Dukun 1 as sample research. The technique data collected are test, observation, interview and documentation. The data checking techniques are used tested observation, interviews, and documentation. The research of analysis data used normality test and homogeneity test. The results of the study using the discovery learning model of the fifth grade students' science learning outcomes, the postest students were able to achieve a class average of 85.45 and completeness of learning 95%, while the average learning outcomes of the control class were 74.00 and learning completeness 83.33. %. The value of t sat or t count = 3.907 while the critical one-tail t or t table is 1.677. So the conclusion that Ho affects the treatment of the experimental class is accepted because t count > t table is 3.907> 1.677. It could be seen that there was influence on the discovery models to learning outcomes of the fifth grade elementary school students.


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How to Cite

Slamet, Suad, Madjdi, A. H., Arsyad Fardani, & Gung, Y. T. (2021). The Effect of Discovery Model on The Science Learning Outcomes of Class V Elementary School Students in The Wijayakusuma Cluster. Asian Pendidikan, 1(2), 47-53.