Mitigation of Area Prone to Landslide in Anticipating the Impact of Climate Change


  • Priyono Priyono Faculty of Agriculture of Slamet Riyadi University, Sumpah Pemuda Street No.18, Kadipiro, Banjarsari, The City Of Surakarta, Central Java, 57136, INDONESIA
  • Elly Istiana Maulida Faculty of Agriculture of Slamet Riyadi University, Sumpah Pemuda Street No.18, Kadipiro, Banjarsari, The City Of Surakarta, Central Java, 57136, INDONESIA



Mitigation, landslide, climate


Climate change is felt very influential in the wet tropics as in Indonesia. The impacts of climate change that felt much were floods and landslides during the rainy season and drought during the dry season. The occurrence of landslides in mountain slopes is mostly caused by soil, topography, geology, hydrology and climate. The purpose of the study is to determine the areas prone to landslides in the Samin River Basin area on the western slopes of Lawu mountain, and management efforts through mitigation areas prone to landslides in order to anticipate the impacts of climate change. The research method is overlapping topography map, land map, land use map, climate map, geological map and earth map as base map. Besides, field survey was conducted to observe the morphology of soil landslide events and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the research area of 6,797.06 ha consisted of very prone to landslides (73.64%), prone to landslide 26.25%, and slightly prone to  landslide 0.11%. The most influential factors in the landslide are topography, rainfall and land cover. Landslide type that occurs mostly is slump landslide, followed by rockfall and landslide. Soil sensitive type of landslide are Andosol and Latosol. Land use that is very prone to landslides is the land tha are used for vegetable cultivation and land conversion functions for road construction. Management efforts to mitigate landslides among others are landslide reforestation potential landslides, and land use systems with an intercropping system of annual crops with agro forestry on cultivated land.


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How to Cite

Priyono, P., & Istiana Maulida, E. (2021). Mitigation of Area Prone to Landslide in Anticipating the Impact of Climate Change. ASEANA Science and Education Journal, 1(1), 17-26.