The Spread of Contagious Disease (Measles) using Sir Model: A case study of Yobe State Specialist Hospital, Damaturu
Based on the findings so far, HAM generates series which converge speedily after some iteration. The epidemic has set up affecting the positive fraction of the community host with as average of 996 infected person daily. The epidemic level was slow in the first place but later it increases exponentially indicating a sign of danger to the said community of host. Sequel to the finding obtained in this study it is obvious that the results obtained have depicted the number of people likely to be infected over a period of time and make a reasonable for best of how many people to be infected in a certain time to enable a proper decision and supply in case of an outbreak (measles) like this in a given society of host with known population number. Although the study has not make it to our consumption the death that occurred since inception of the epidemic the number of recovered people and the inclining and declining, in the trend of their immune system during measles when on treatment. Further study could be conducted by any interested candidate to make clarification of these not known parameter enlisted above by the study.
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