Teaching Empathy: Harnessing the Partnerships of Parents and Teachers for Moral Growth


  • Rosmaria Omar Open University Malaysia, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
  • Khairul Hamimah Mohammad Jodi Open University Malaysia, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
  • Saroni Universitas Majalengka, 45418 Majalengka, West Java, INDONESIA




Empathy, moral development, parental involvement, educators, schools


This paper delves into the critical role of empathy in moral development and social cohesion, emphasizing the collaborative effort required between parents and teachers to nurture empathetic individuals. It posits that empathy, as a cornerstone of moral development, facilitates understanding, compassion, and ethical behavior among children. By examining the multifaceted process of moral development influenced by environmental, social, and psychological factors, the study highlights the paramount importance of empathy as the emotional foundation. The core argument revolves around the synergy between parents and educators in fostering an environment conducive to the cultivation of empathy, suggesting that this partnership is not merely beneficial but essential for the moral growth of children. Through an exploration of various strategies and approaches, this article advocates for a unified effort in teaching empathy, underscoring its significance in building a compassionate and ethical society.


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How to Cite

Omar, R., Jodi, K. H. M., & Saroni. (2024). Teaching Empathy: Harnessing the Partnerships of Parents and Teachers for Moral Growth. ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 5(2), 17-22. https://doi.org/10.53797/anp.jssh.v5i2.3.2024