Effects of Indigenous Microorganisms on Rice Straw Degradation
lignocellulose, Enterobacteriaceae, natural farming, indigenous microorganismsAbstract
The use of indigenous microorganisms (IMO) has been known to improve soil fertility and crop production. This study was carried out to observe the effect of indigenous microorganisms on rice straw composting, consist of different carbon to nitrogen ratio. Composting was carried out for 35 days and was turned manually every week. The results show that carbon and nitrogen ratio decreased during composting period and temperature was observed in compost treatment mixture consist of rice straw, goat manure, rice bran and IMO (T4) compared to rice straw only (T1). Compost treated with IMO showed further decrease of carbon to nitrogen ratio at 9.5 upon maturation state on the 35th day. Analysis of microorganisms showed compost treatment with IMO has higher diversity of microorganisms with 3.16 × 109 CFU g-1 for mesophilic bacteria and 7.9 × 108 CFU g-1 for thermophilic bacteria. In conclusion, compost treated with IMO with combination of goat dung, paddy straw and rice bran contain high diversity of microorganisms in compost systems and thus, undergo early maturation phase of composting process.
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