Research Trends in Creative Thinking Skills in Mathematics Education
Creative Thinking Ability, Journal of Mathematics Education, Research DesignAbstract
Creative thinking is an important ability mastered by students in the 2nd century learning world 1. Publications related to creative thinking can be found in various scientific journals. However, the trend of publications on the topic of creative thinking of students in the realm of education in Indonesia does not yet exist. This study aims to review learning trends and methods to improve creative thinking by using content analysis from several mathematics education scientific articles published in Indonesia, from 2016 to 2022. The method used is Systematic Literature Review. The source of this research data is Science and Technology Index (SINTA) indexed articles in the 2016-2023 period. Research data was analyzed based on 7 aspects, namely: research design, research subject, treatment, year of publication, and number of citations with mathematical topics. This study produced the following findings. First, three types of research designs were used in the article, namely: 28 quantitative research, 16 qualitative research and 6 mixmethod research. Second, four types of research subjects, namely: 12 elementary schools, 20 junior high schools, and 18 high schools. Third, aim for the learning model used in the study, namely: 17 PBL, 12 conventional, 7 inquiry, 5 problem solving, 5 STEAM, 2 cooperative and 2 RME. Fourth, the publication year in the study is: in 2016 there were 1, in 2018 there were 4, in 2019 there were 12, 2020 was 15, in 2021 there were 10, and in 2022 there were 8 studies. Finally, the number of citations per article ranges from 3 to 300 citations. This study concludes that R&D research should be conducted to better understand how to develop products to increase the level of creativity of learners using learning media. A project-based R&D approach can create products in the form of learning media that can encourage students' creative thinking skills.
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