A New Piece of the Puzzle: Deploying Technologically-Enhanced Jigsaw Method to Solve the Puzzle of Meaningful Learning in Biology


  • Umar Ayotunde Adam Department of Science and Technology Education, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Soladoye Nurudeen Lameed Department of Science and Technology Education, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Oluwabusayo Tonade Department of Science and Technology Education, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Franklin U. Onowugbeda African Centre of Excellence for innovative and Transformative Stem Education, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Benjamin Ayodeji Department of Science and Technology Education, Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Ige Adeleke Michael African Centre of Excellence for innovative and Transformative Stem Education, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Ismail Olaniyi Muraina Department of Computer Science, College of information and Technology Education, Lagos State University of Education, Lagos, Nigeria




Secondary School/Introductory biology, Jigsaw method, Students’ achievement, Technology


This study explores the potency of Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method (TEJM) in breaking the barriers to meaningful learning of biology concepts. The explanatory sequential design was employed. A total of 102 secondary school (II) students from two randomly selected schools in Lagos State Education District V participated in the study. The Nervous Coordination Achievement Test (NCAT) which had a reliability coefficient of 0.76 was the instrument used to collect the quantitative data. Treatment lasted Four weeks after the conduct of the pretest, the experimental group was taught using Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method and the control group was taught using the conventional lecture method. One-way ANCOVA was employed to analyse the data. The students in the experimental group taught using Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method performed significantly better than their control group counterparts. Also, the students had a positive view towards the effectiveness of the Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method. Within the limitations of the study, we concluded that Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method is capable of promoting meaningful learning in biology. Based on the findings of this study, we recommended that the teachers should employ Technologically Enhanced Jigsaw Method for promoting meaningful learning of biology in contemporary and technology-driven societies. Implications of the study were highlighted.


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How to Cite

Adam, U. A., Lameed, S. N., Tonade, O., Onowugbeda, F. U., Ayodeji, B. ., Michael, I. A. ., & Muraina, I. O. . (2023). A New Piece of the Puzzle: Deploying Technologically-Enhanced Jigsaw Method to Solve the Puzzle of Meaningful Learning in Biology. ASEANA Science and Education Journal, 3(1), 8-17. https://doi.org/10.53797/aseana.v3i1.2.2023