Kumaraswamy Burr Type X Distribution and Its Properties
Bayesian Analysis, Burr-Type X, Kumaraswamy Burr-Type X, moments, maximum likelihood estimation, simulation studyAbstract
In this work, we introduce a new model Kumaraswamy Burr-Type X (Kum-BX) from the so-called Kumaraswamy-G family of distributions. Kum-BX serves as an alternative to the Kumaraswamy-Weibull model, which is very flexible distribution that has increasing, decreasing, and bathtub shapes in the hazard function. Several properties of this new model were provided. The generalization of densities of this further four-parameter distribution, the expression for the rth moment, m.g.f, Renyi entropy, and the order statistics was established. A simulation study at different sample sizes with parameter values was done to validate and compare the mean errors increasing the sample size decreases the error. We also considered the MLE and Bayes methods to estimate the parameters of the new model and its flexibility with an application to real data set was applied to illustrate its usefulness for recommendation in agricultural, medical, and engineering areas respectively.
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