Development of an Automated Drip Irrigation System using Arduino Microcontroller for Sweet Corn


  • Mohamad Faiz Aiman Ahmad Saharin Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka, Kampus Jasin, 77300 Merlimau Melaka, MALAYSIA
  • Siti Amni Ismail Agricultural Technology Research Initiative Group, Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 77300 Melaka, MALAYSIA



Microcontroller, sensors, automated irrigation system, sweet corn, irrigation management


This study proposes an automated irrigation system using an Arduino microcontroller that is cost-effective and reliable for use in planting. The proposed drip irrigation system was developed to automatically irrigate the sweet corn seedlings from 0–4 weeks of age by detecting water insufficiency based on the moisture percentage of the soil used. The automated irrigation system was a fully functional prototype where the crop was irrigated automatically when the soil moisture sensor sensed a soil moisture value below 40%. The system consists of Arduino microcontroller, sensors to monitor soil moisture, ambient temperature and humidity; an LCD display to show the sensors readings; a relay module that is used to control the on and off switch of the water pump. The performance of the automated system development was then evaluated to ensure proper irrigation. The relay module was found switched on the water pump automatically to start the watering process when the soil moisture value below 40%. The data on soil moisture percentage (%), ambient temperature (°C), and ambient humidity (%) was displayed on an LCD screen that allowed real-time monitoring. The range of temperature and humidity were recorded around 310C to 400C and 62% to 80% respectively affecting the reduction of soil moisture percentage from 80% to 44%. In conclusion, an Arduino Uno-based automated plant watering system has been successfully installed and performed.


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How to Cite

Ahmad Saharin, M. F. A., & Ismail, S. A. (2024). Development of an Automated Drip Irrigation System using Arduino Microcontroller for Sweet Corn. AgroTech- Food Science, Technology and Environment, 3(2), 1-8.