Introduction to Microsoft Word for Grade V and VI Students at SDN 4 Gondoharum


  • Ahmad Rosyada Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia
  • Teguh Pramono S Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Guntur Santosa Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia
  • Dina Tauhida Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia



Microsoft office, Microsoft Word, Komputer, Era Digital


In today's digital era, computer-based information and communication technology has affected various aspects of life including education. This service activity aims to assist students at SDN Negeri 4 Gondoharum, especially in grades 5 and 6 of Kudus Regency in applying Microsoft Word because the lack of facilities for learning computer science at SDN is the main reason for the realization of the work program on Microsoft. The method used to achieve the planned target or goal is to introduce the features contained in Microsoft Word. Participants were divided into groups. Each group was accompanied by a mentor. To determine the success of the activity program that has been carried out, an evaluation is carried out to determine the level of understanding of students regarding the material and training that has been provided. This activity concludes that the service has succeeded in increasing the knowledge of students in the application of Microsoft Word.


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How to Cite

Rosyada, A. ., Teguh Pramono, S., Santosa, M. G. ., & Tauhida, D. . (2021). Introduction to Microsoft Word for Grade V and VI Students at SDN 4 Gondoharum. ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 2(2), 180-184.