Socialization of the Impact of Gadget Use and Simulation of Computer Use on Students of MTS NU Maslakul Falah


  • Hanik Hidayati Informatcs Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia
  • Andi Setiawan Informatcs Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia
  • Leli Khoirul Nisa Psychology, Universitas Muria Kudus, Indonesia



Technology, Gadgets, Computers


The presence of advances in the current era of Globalization has so many impacts on humans, both from positive and negative impacts. So many conveniences are offered, one of which is the ease of accessing the internet, accompanied by a variety of sophisticated features that make it easy for humans when using it. Likewise felt by teenagers in Glagahwaru Village, Undaan District, Kudus Regency, through MTS NU Maslakul Falah, our UMK KKN team socialized the impact of using gadgets and simulated the use of computers. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to students in the action of digital literacy and smart in using gadgets properly and correctly. The results obtained from this activity are that students are very enthusiastic about the activity and are active when the material explanation is given.


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How to Cite

Hidayati, H. ., Setiawan, A. ., & Nisa, L. K. . (2021). Socialization of the Impact of Gadget Use and Simulation of Computer Use on Students of MTS NU Maslakul Falah. ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 2(2), 170-174.