Development of 'Boyles Law Apparatus' Teaching Aids for Thermodynamics Course: Innovation in Teaching Methodology


  • Mohd Fitri Basiran Mechanical Engineering Department, Port Dickson Polytechnic, Kampung Sungai Menyala, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • Suhaila Mohd Sharif Mechanical Engineering Department, Port Dickson Polytechnic, Kampung Sungai Menyala, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • Sharifah Enne Suhaini Syed Mohd Zahari Mechanical Engineering Department, Port Dickson Polytechnic, Kampung Sungai Menyala, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia



Teaching and Learning, Boyle‟s Law‟ Teaching Aids, Thermodynamics


Teaching aids are among the most important instruments in providing effective delivery results as well as the best understanding to students. Therefore, this teaching aid should also be in the Thermodynamics course and among the topics whose concept is quite difficult to understand by students is Boyles Law in the topic of Perfect Gas. Boyle's law is used to explain the inverse relationship between pressure and gas volume at a constant temperature. This law states that when the pressure of the container is filled with increasing gas, then the total volume will decrease. Boyles' Law on the topic of Perfect Gas is also one of the important topics and it is the basis in Thermodynamics. This paper is about the development of Boyle's Law Apparatus (BLA) teaching aids (TA) for the DJJ20063 Thermodynamics course at Port Dickson Polytechnic which is an apparatus that can explain to students related to the basic concepts of Boyle's Law. In addition, this teaching aids can also help lecturers in providing a better understanding to students who take Thermodynamics courses. The production of this tool is not only used by lecturers in the theory class but also this tool can also be used for practical needs in the laboratory. In conclusion, a suitable apparatus for explaining Boyle's Law to students has been successfully designed and developed. In this regard, hopefully the innovation of this teaching aids will be able to benefit all parties in improving the teaching and learning system, especially for Thermodynamics course.


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How to Cite

Basiran, M. F., Mohd Sharif, S., & Syed Mohd Zahari, S. E. S. . (2021). Development of ’Boyles Law Apparatus’ Teaching Aids for Thermodynamics Course: Innovation in Teaching Methodology. ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 2(1), 36-45.