The Effect of Feedback and Modeling Techniques on The Character of Integrity of Elementary School Students


  • Angga Gading Pradana Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Mochamad Widjanarko Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA
  • Erik Aditia Ismaya Universitas Muria Kudus, 59327 Kudus, Central Java, INDONESIA



Effect, feedback, modeling technique, integrity character


Modeling technique is a counseling technique in a behavioral approach which is rooted in Albert Bandura's theory in social learning theory, namely a technique to change, increase or decrease individual behavior by learning through direct observation (observational learning) to imitate the behavior of people and figures. The aims of this study are: 1) to analyze the effect of providing feedback and modeling techniques on the character of students' integrity in elementary schools; 2) to analyze the difference in the effect of providing feedback and modeling techniques on the character of students' integrity in elementary school. This research uses quantitative methods with experimental research and Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The data obtained were analyzed by t-test. to find out if the independent variable (X1, X2) affects the dependent variable (Y). To find out how big the influence of giving feedback and modeling techniques is on the character of students using the N-Gain test. The results of the analysis of the effect of providing feedback and modeling techniques on the character integrity of elementary school students using the t-test, t-count results obtained -29.21555057 and t-table of 1.67528495. Because t-count < t-table, there is a significant difference between the average character integrity of the control class and experimental class students. From the N-Gain test, the result is 0.62 in the medium category. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that providing feedback and modeling techniques has a positive influence on the integrity character of elementary school students.


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How to Cite

Pradana, A. G., Widjanarko, M., & Ismaya, E. A. (2022). The Effect of Feedback and Modeling Techniques on The Character of Integrity of Elementary School Students . ANP Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 3, 90-94.