On the Issue of Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Giftedness: Creative Type of Personality as an Objective Reality
Alpha rhythm, archetypal structures, diatropics, Icarus syndrome, neurophysiological indicators, Clinical signs, electrophysiological method, clinical and psychopathological method, hemispheric asymmetry, mythological archetypal structures, theory of evolutionAbstract
In the article, from the point of view of evolutionary diatropics, a special cognitive structure of the personality is considered: the versative-ingenational-rapid intellectually gifted individual (VIR-type), which is the author's rethinking of the concept of urethral fixation by Z. Freud. The historical context of the formation of this concept is traced, its modern meaning is revealed, both from the point of view of the psychiatric clinic and from the position of pedagogical psychology. The material of the study of cross-correlation analysis of the electroencephalogram of 36 subjects with a VIR-type of personality demonstrates the features of the neurofunctioning of the cerebral cortex of these individuals: increased interaction of remote areas of the cortex and weakened integration of closely located zones. Illustrates the formation of a specific neurophysiological pattern, dubbed the “ikaric wings” and represents an intensive synchronization of the frontal and occipital lobes of the brain with the enhancement of their interaction both ipsilateral and contralateral. A comparison is made of the resulting pattern of functional activity of the cerebral cortex of the subjects with a VIR-type personality and patients with mental pathology. It is concluded that the presence of signs of mental disorders in the human population is necessary in order to form a special group of highly intelligent, creatively gifted individuals.
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