The Impact of Using Augmented Reality as Teaching Material on Students' Motivation
Augmented Reality, Motivation, Community CollegeAbstract
The integrated technology of Augmented Reality (AR) in education is expanding rapidly due to the advancement of smartphones and fast internet access. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of the use of Augmented Reality learning materials on student motivation based on four motivational constructs, which are attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. This research is conducted using the quantitative approach, and questionnaire instruments were applied to collect the research data. The respondents are from the first semester students that took the Basic Electrical and Electronic Course at Bagan Datuk Community College. The data were analyzed by descriptive and inference to determine the level and difference of the students' motivation before and after using Augmented Reality as teaching material. The results showed that the motivation initially at a moderate level has increased to a high level after using Augmented Reality learning materials. The study found that the use of Augmented Reality learning materials has a positive effect on student motivation based on the significant difference test results, and the percentage value of each motivational construct increased.
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