Practical Skills Required for Sustainability of Technical College Students in Brick/Block Laying Trade


  • Abel Bamidele Ibidapo Department of Industrial Technology Education, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology, Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, NIGERIA



Practical Skills, Sustainability, Technical College, Brick/Block Laying


This study was conducted to assess practical skills required for sustainability of technical college students in brick/block laying trade. Two research questions were developed in relation to what the study sought to find out. Practical Skills in Brick Laying Questionnaire (PSBQ) containing 26 items was developed and used for data collection while 3 experts were engaged to face validate the instrument. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was found to be 0.74 using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The PSBQ was used for collecting data from 103 respondents made of building technology teachers in technical colleges and registered building technicians in Ekiti State. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The study found that 15 practical skills highlighted in the use of tools and equipment for brick/block laying are required for relevant job placement. Also, 11 practical skills highlighted in the construction of simple brick/block walls are required for relevant job placement. The study recommended among others that building technology teachers should be up-to-date and abreast of recent technological changes and innovations in building industries.


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How to Cite

Ibidapo, A. B. (2024). Practical Skills Required for Sustainability of Technical College Students in Brick/Block Laying Trade. Asian Journal of Vocational Education And Humanities, 5(1), 27-31.