Perceived Proficiencies Possessed by Brickwork/ Block Laying Prospective Graduates in Nigerian Technical Colleges


  • Ibidapo Abel Bamidele Department of Vocational and Industrial Technology Education, Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science and Technology Igbara Odo Road, P.M.B. 250 Ikere-Ekiti, NIGERIA



Skill Acquisition, Practical Skills, Technical College, Brickwork/ Block laying


This study examined proficiencies possessed by brickwork/ block laying prospective graduates in Nigerian technical colleges. The descriptive survey research study was guided by two research questions. The study was carried out in Ekiti State with 25 participants. Practical Skills in Brickwork/ Block laying Questionnaire (PSBBQ) containing 10 items was the instrument developed and used for data collection. It was validated by 3 experts and tested to obtain a reliability coefficient of 0.87 using Cronbach Alpha. The PSBBQ was used for collecting data from 25 respondents. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions raised for the study. The study found that brickwork/ block laying prospective graduates are deficient in building drawing skills. The study recommended that that technical colleges be well equipped both in human and material resources needed for training the students to become proficient graduates.


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How to Cite

Bamidele, I. A. (2023). Perceived Proficiencies Possessed by Brickwork/ Block Laying Prospective Graduates in Nigerian Technical Colleges. Asian Journal of Vocational Education And Humanities, 4(1), 31-35.