Entrepreneurial Passion and Creativity as Predictors of Business Education Students’ Social Entrepreneurial Intention in Edo State


  • Kennedy Ediagbonya Department of Business Education, Faculty of Education, Ambrose Alli University 310103 Ekpoma, Edo State, NIGERIA




Business education, entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial creativity, social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurial intention


With the increasing social problems and graduates’ unemployment which have brought untold hardship in the country; seeking alternative employment openings by way of venturing into business creation that can address the societal problems becomes a sine qua non. The present study was on entrepreneurial passion and creativity as correlates of business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a correlational survey research design. The population of the study comprised all business education students numbering 382 in University of Benin and Ambrose Alli Univeristy, Ekpoma. The instrument used was a questionnaire titled: Entrepreneurial Passion, Creativity and Social Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EPCSEIQ).’ The instrument was validated by two experts. The cronbach alpha was used in ascertaining the reliability of the instrument and it yielded a reliability coefficient of .85 after administering the instrument to 15 business education students in Delta State University, Abraka. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that entrepreneurial passion is a significant predictor of business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .124, F (1, 242) = 34.261, P <. 05). The finding further revealed that entrepreneurial creativity is a significant predictor of business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State (R2 = .172, F (1, 242) = 50.412, P <. 05). And it also revealed that entrepreneurial passion and creativity jointly predicted business education students’ social entrepreneurial intention in Edo State. Based on the findings, it was recommended that business education students should be encouraged to be more creative in order to be able to address societal problems.


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How to Cite

Ediagbonya, K. (2023). Entrepreneurial Passion and Creativity as Predictors of Business Education Students’ Social Entrepreneurial Intention in Edo State. Asian Journal of Vocational Education And Humanities, 4(2), 15-21. https://doi.org/10.53797/ajvah.v4i2.2.2023