AgroTech- Food Science, Technology and Environment
<p><strong>AgroTech- Food Science, Technology and Environment (AgroTech) [ISSN: 2773-4870 eISSN 2821-3106] </strong>is the official publication of the Association for Researcher of Skills and Vocational Training (ARSVOT). AgroTech is a peer-reviewed and open access international journal that covers both horticultural and industrial crops in the field of genetic and plant breeding, soil management, crop production, cropping system, pest and disease, postharvest, economics, machinery, and technology application.</p> <p>AgroTech is welcomed:</p> <ol> <li>Full-length <strong>research articles</strong> describe the significant findings in related fields</li> <li>Critical <strong>reviews</strong> on new perspectives and emerging technologies in horticultural and industrial crops</li> <li><strong>Short communications</strong> reporting significant new findings or technical notes on the new methodology</li> </ol> <p>AgroTech is published online with a frequency of <strong>two (2)</strong> issues per year (<strong>June</strong> and <strong>December</strong>). The special issues of AgroTech are published non-periodically from time to time.</p>Agrotech: Food Science, Technology And Environmenten-USAgroTech- Food Science, Technology and Environment2773-4870Development of an Automated Drip Irrigation System using Arduino Microcontroller for Sweet Corn
<p>This study proposes an automated irrigation system using an Arduino microcontroller that is cost-effective and reliable for use in planting. The proposed drip irrigation system was developed to automatically irrigate the sweet corn seedlings from 0–4 weeks of age by detecting water insufficiency based on the moisture percentage of the soil used. The automated irrigation system was a fully functional prototype where the crop was irrigated automatically when the soil moisture sensor sensed a soil moisture value below 40%. The system consists of Arduino microcontroller, sensors to monitor soil moisture, ambient temperature and humidity; an LCD display to show the sensors readings; a relay module that is used to control the on and off switch of the water pump. The performance of the automated system development was then evaluated to ensure proper irrigation. The relay module was found switched on the water pump automatically to start the watering process when the soil moisture value below 40%. The data on soil moisture percentage (%), ambient temperature (°C), and ambient humidity (%) was displayed on an LCD screen that allowed real-time monitoring. The range of temperature and humidity were recorded around 31<sup>0</sup>C to 40<sup>0</sup>C and 62% to 80% respectively affecting the reduction of soil moisture percentage from 80% to 44%. In conclusion, an Arduino Uno-based automated plant watering system has been successfully installed and performed.</p>Mohamad Faiz Aiman Ahmad SaharinSiti Amni Ismail
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-29321810.53797/agrotech.v3i2.1.2024The Adoption of Drones Spraying Application in Bagan Terap, Malaysian Paddy Field: Farmer Perspectives and Technology Acceptance
<p>Drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) are a recent innovation in Malaysia's agriculture sector. In rice fields, spraying pesticides manually can be hazardous for farmers. Drones offer a safer, more efficient alternative, potentially reducing spraying time by at least 33% compared to traditional methods. However, drone adoption by farmers remains limited. This study investigates farmers' risk perceptions and willingness to adopt drone technology in the IADA region. Using a survey of 88 farmers in IADA, Bagan Terap, and analyzed with SPSS, this paper found a positive outlook towards drone use. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between farmers' attitudes, social influence, economic factors, perceived risk, and their willingness to adopt drones. Applying the technology acceptance model, regression analysis showed that attitude was the strongest predictor of drone adoption intentions. These findings suggest that addressing farmers' attitudes, along with social and economic factors, could promote drone usage in agriculture.</p>Akmal Hakim Nurhamid MaulanaMohd Khairy ZahariSamihah MustaffhaNur Aziera RuslanSiti Mariam ShamsiDarius El Pebrian
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-293292010.53797/agrotech.v3i2.2.2024Response of Different Phosphorus Levels on Growth and Productivity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Under Agro- Climatic Conditions in Kabul
<p>Agriculture is a major contributor to the national economy and food security of developing countries especially in Afghanistan. Wheat is a crucial crop for ensuring food security. It is among the most significant crops grown in Afghanistan. It is the leading source of carbohydrates for humans. To fine the effect of fertilizer especially (P) on enhancing this crop productivity, the study was conducted at the agricultural research farm of agriculture faculty of Kabul University over two years (March 17, 2020, and March 4, 2021). The experimental design was a simple randomized complete block (RCB) design with three replications and five phosphorus levels (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 kg P ha<sup>-1</sup>) and a constant dose of 120 kg N ha<sup>-1</sup>. Each sub-plot measured 3m x 2m. The row spacing was maintained at 30 cm, and the Maqawim-09 wheat variety was sown at a seed rate of 140 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>. Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) was used as the phosphorus source and urea for nitrogen. Agronomical practices were uniform across all plots. Data were collected on various parameters during the study, including plant height (cm), stem number per m<sup>2</sup>, leaf number per plant, spike number per m<sup>2</sup>, spike length (cm), grain number per spike, spikelet number per spike, grain number per spikelet, grain yield (ton/ha), thousand grain weight, and dry matter (ton/ha). The results indicated that applying phosphorus in the form of DAP at a rate of 90 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>, along with 120 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> of nitrogen, significantly improved the growth and productivity of the Maqawim-09 wheat variety. All parameters were significantly affected by the phosphorus rates. Thus, it is recommended that phosphorus in the form of DAP at a rate of 90 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> and nitrogen in the form of urea at a rate of 120 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> should be applied to maximize wheat crop yield.</p>Khadim Mohammad DinSabir Abdul AzizSalari Mohammad WaliZahir Shah SafariAhmad AliAtif Ashuqullah
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-2932213210.53797/agrotech.v3i2.3.2024Studies on Effect of Farm Yard Manure and Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) cv. G-363
<p>This study was conducted during the winter season of 2020–2021 at the Research Farm of the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Plant Sciences, Afghanistan National Agriculture Science & Technology University (ANSTU) in Kandahar, Afghanistan. The experiment evaluated the response of garlic (Allium sativum L.) to different applications of NPK fertilizers and their combinations with farmyard manure (FYM) in terms of growth and yield. The experiment included nine treatments, each occupying an area of 2.25 m², arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. Fertilizer treatments included applications of 160:80:80 kg/ha NPK and 140:70:70 kg/ha NPK, along with combinations of these with 10 t/ha and 15 t/ha of FYM. Data analyzed using SAS software revealed that both chemical fertilizers (NPK) and their combinations with FYM significantly influenced growth parameters and yield. The highest plant height (30.02 cm), bulb weight (40.71 g), and average yield (10.69 t/ha) were recorded in treatment T3 (FYM 15 t/ha + 160:80:80 kg/ha NPK). The maximum leaf length (25.19 cm) was observed in treatment T6 (FYM 10 t/ha + 160:80:80 kg/ha NPK). Growth data collected at different intervals (30, 50, 70, 90, and 110 days after sowing) indicated that the maximum leaf length (32.41 cm), number of leaves (8.69), and plant height (40.26 cm) were recorded at 110 days after sowing. Growth and yield parameters were also analyzed across three replications. Among these, replication one (R1) exhibited the best growth parameters, including a leaf length of 25.36 cm, number of leaves of 6.47, and plant height of 30.67 cm. Replication three (R3) showed the highest yield at 9.69 t/ha. </p>Ehsas SiddiqullahMujadidi NaqibullahZahir Shah SafariSalari Mohammad WaliAhmad AliNK Arora
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-2932334110.53797/agrotech.v3i2.4.2024Efficacy of Rhamnolipids in Mitigating Postharvest Fungal Infections and Preserving Quality of Tomatoes, Cucumbers, and Mangoes
<p>Effective postharvest management is essential to maintaining the quality and safety of fruits and vegetables, particularly in preventing decay caused by fungal pathogens. This study explored the potential of rhamnolipids (RLs), a biofungicide derived from waste glycerol, to control fungal infections and enhance the postharvest quality of tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes. Initial experiments identified pathogenic fungi impacting these fruits, with <em>Botrytis cinerea</em>, <em>Colletotrichum capsici</em>, and <em>Phytophthora palmivora</em> showing the highest virulence in tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes, respectively. However, the primary focus was on evaluating RLs' efficacy in mitigating disease severity and reducing postharvest decay, weight loss, and total soluble solids (TSS) content. RL-treated fruits demonstrated significant improvements in postharvest quality: by day six, RL treatment reduced decay and weight loss in all fruits compared to untreated controls, with RL-treated tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes showing decay levels of 22.63%, 15.98%, and 50% respectively, alongside controlled weight loss. Interestingly, RL-treated cucumbers also exhibited an increase in TSS (3.4) even under pathogen pressure, suggesting enhanced sugar content and improved quality. Overall, these findings highlight RLs as a promising biocontrol agent, capable of managing fungal infections while preserving fruit quality during storage. This work underscores the potential of RLs in developing sustainable postharvest interventions against fungal pathogens.</p>Adieya Atyrrah AdnanKhairulmazmi AhmadMohd Sabri Pak DekMohd Rafein Zakaria
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-2932425610.53797/agrotech.v3i2.5.2024Bioprospecting of Selected Trichoderma spp. for Its Plant Growth Promoting and Biocontrol Properties
<p>Bioprospecting for <em>Trichoderma</em> strains from peat soil collected at MARDI Sessang Station, Saratok, Sarawak, revealed promising candidates as plant growth-promoting microbes (PGPM) and producers of phytohormones such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3). The study aimed to identify <em>Trichoderma</em> strains with dual functions in biocontrol and plant growth enhancement. A total of seventeen strains were isolated and screened for their biocontrol activity against significant plant pathogens—<em>Ralstonia solanacearum</em> and <em>Colletotrichum gloeosporioides</em> and also their potential to produce IAA and GA<sub>3</sub>. Among the isolates, one strain exhibited strong antagonistic activity against <em>R. solanacearum</em>, a pathogen responsible for bacterial wilt, suggesting its potential for biocontrol applications. Additionally, two strains showed significant inhibitory effects against <em>C. gloeosporioides</em>, the causative agent of anthracnose. Four strains demonstrated the ability to produce IAA, an essential auxin for root development and overall plant growth promotion and two strains were identified as GA<sub>3</sub> producers, contributing to plant growth by promoting cell elongation and germination. This study highlights the potential of <em>Trichoderma</em> strains from peat soils in Sarawak as valuable resources for sustainable agriculture. The dual functionality of these strains as biocontrol agents and phytohormone producers makes them promising candidates for integrated pest management (IPM) and biofertilizer development. Future research should focus on field trials and further molecular characterization to fully explore the potential of these <em>Trichoderma</em> isolates in enhancing crop productivity.</p>Jeffrey Seng Heng LimLee Zi JianHalizah HamzahNorzaimawati Aman Nejis
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-2932576310.53797/agrotech.v3i2.6.2024Harnessing Rhamnolipids from Waste Glycerol for Effective Biocontrol of Fungal Pathogens in Cucumber and Melon Plants
<p>Effective postharvest management is essential to maintaining the quality and safety of fruits and vegetables, particularly in preventing decay caused by fungal pathogens. This study explored the potential of rhamnolipids (RLs), a biofungicide derived from waste glycerol, to control fungal infections and enhance the postharvest quality of tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes. Initial experiments identified pathogenic fungi impacting these fruits, with <em>Botrytis cinerea</em>, <em>Colletotrichum capsici</em>, and <em>Phytophthora palmivora</em> showing the highest virulence in tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes, respectively. However, the primary focus was on evaluating RLs' efficacy in mitigating disease severity and reducing postharvest decay, weight loss, and total soluble solids (TSS) content. RL-treated fruits demonstrated significant improvements in postharvest quality: by day six, RL treatment reduced decay and weight loss in all fruits compared to untreated controls, with RL-treated tomatoes, cucumbers, and mangoes showing decay levels of 22.63%, 15.98%, and 50% respectively, alongside controlled weight loss. Interestingly, RL-treated cucumbers also exhibited an increase in TSS (3.4) even under pathogen pressure, suggesting enhanced sugar content and improved quality. Overall, these findings highlight RLs as a promising biocontrol agent, capable of managing fungal infections while preserving fruit quality during storage. This work underscores the potential of RLs in developing sustainable postharvest interventions against fungal pathogens.</p> Adieya Atyrrah Adnan Khairulmazmi Ahmad Mohd Sabri Pak DekMohd Rafein Zakaria
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-292024-12-2932647610.53797/agrotech.v3i2.7.2024Farmer`s Awareness and Acceptance of Biopesticides Application for Pest and Disease Management
<p>Pesticides are widely used to boost agricultural production in Malaysia, ensuring high yields and quality produce. The present study aims to investigate Malaysian farmers’ pest management practices and their willingness to adopt biopesticides. A nationwide survey was conducted from November 2020 to October 2021 using social media platforms, collecting responses from 268 farmers through a structured questionnaire. Key findings showed that 82% of respondents were aware of biopesticides, and 77% used them for pest management. However, barriers such as high costs (7%), lack of awareness (6%), doubts about effectiveness (5%), and limited market access (3%) has hindered broader adoption. Despite these challenges, 65% of respondents recognized the benefits of biopesticides, particularly their role in reduction of environmental impact and improved human health. The findings highlight significant opportunities to promote biopesticides in Malaysian agriculture by addressing cost, and accessibility concerns through educational initiatives, policy support, and market development support. For instance, tailored educational programs could improve farmer awareness and confidence, while government incentives and streamlined regulatory processes could facilitate market growth. These findings underscores the potential of biopesticides to drive sustainable pest management practices, paving the way for innovative biological solutions in agriculture.</p> Adieya Atyrrah AdnanMuhammad Afiq Ashari Shobanah Menon BaskaranSiti Syazwani Mahamad Nolila Mohd NawiMohd Rafein Zakaria
Copyright (c) 2024 arsvot
2024-12-302024-12-3032778810.53797/agrotech.v3i2.8.2024Evaluation of Soil Beneficial Bacteria as Plant Growth Enhancer and Biocontrol Agents
<p>The use of soil beneficial bacteria, particularly plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), provides an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic agrochemicals in sustainable agriculture. This study aimed to isolate and characterize soil bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of cabbage cultivation areas in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, and evaluate their potential as PGPR and biocontrol agents. A total of 42 bacterial isolates were obtained, of which 15 were selected for detailed screening. Morphological and molecular characterization using 16S rDNA sequencing identified species from the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Serratia. These isolates exhibited key plant growth-promoting traits, including nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and potassium solubilization. Notably, isolates S9 and S30 demonstrated both plant growth-promoting and antibacterial activities against Xanthomonas campestris, a major pathogen of cabbage. Meanwhile, isolates S16 and S36, although lacking antibacterial activity, showed strong growth-promoting capabilities. These findings highlight the potential of native soil beneficial bacteria as biofertilizers and biocontrol agents, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices by reducing reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Future research should focus on field trials to validate their efficacy under diverse environmental conditions.</p>Farah Farhanah HaronNur Isz Aishah IsmailKhairun Nasrin SabliFatin Nadira Zainuddin
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